
Agency is something that is very important. The topic comes up often in church lessons and talks and conversations. I don't really know if it is something that other churches talk about as much as we do in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints but I do know that it is something … Continue reading Agency

All things will work together…

I was thinking today that I hope I get an opportunity to be a teacher at church again. I've been learning so much over this last year and having so many moments of inspiration. This week I saw something in a new way that I knew before but sort of in a cloudy way. Have … Continue reading All things will work together…

We Can

Recently through my scripture study I have been noticing more and more the agency that is woven within every part of God's plan. It's a new thing for me. It's not that I didn't know agency existed. From the very first lesson with the missionaries when I was 17 years old I was taught that … Continue reading We Can